The first time I shook Tim Scott’s hand was at a big race in Pineville, LA and he has had my respect since then.  I use to give HAVOC a hard time on social media and I was a nay sayer but from the post and comments I see Tim put about customer service and even putting his personal cell phone number on Facebook to take care of his customers.  Even taking other brand boats and offering to fix them, including all of his previous customers from other companies.  One day I will own a 20′ RIVER RAT!         
— Blane Vincent

I have personally seen a HAVOC boat turn on a dime!         
— Ted Frye

It is more than a boat, it is a BROTHERHOOD!         
— Wesley Rdigill

I have a 1556 DBST and I absolutely LOVE everything about it!  VERSATILITY, PERFORMANCE, DESIGN!  HAVOC is the way to go!        
— Casey Cockerel

I got one earlier this year and I like it A LOT!  Hope to get a 1050 one day when available.  My buddy bought 1 last month he can’t wait to get his!      
— Hovis Surrency

I have the 550 RDB and I absolutely LOVE it!  It sets up and runs well.  I have put this boat through the ringer.  The craftsmanship has proven to be hands down the best on the market!  I will continue to own HAVOC’s because of the craftsmanship and the CUSTOMER SERVICE!      
— Steve Davis

When I bought my HAVOC I was not happy at all!  One phone call to Tim and my problem was solved and it added 8mph to my rig!  Tim Scott is a first class guy and backs his product 100%!  VERY PLEASED with HAVOC BOATS!  
— Jason Williams

GREAT running boats!  Very STABLE and HEAVY DUTY!  AWESOME hunting boats and CADILLAC of them all!
— Channing Charles Beard

Build and DESIGN surpass other manufacturers by LIGHT YEARS!  Rides like a Bentley, QUICK like a Lambo, and CUTS like a Porshe!  UNREAL the difference and HAVOC BOATS is the way to go!
— Brian Mullins

I have owned 3 HAVOC BOATS and all of them have been the BEST boat I have ever owned!  I now have the 1453 RDB and it is the BEST handling and riding boat I have had!
— Blake Fowlkes

You don’t need CUSTOMER SERVICE when there is NOTHING wrong with the boats!  Hard to beat the SERVICE especially when they have offered and have fixed other boats from other brands.
— Michael Shocklee

This HAVOC is my first boat to own so I am still new to the boating world.  I have been very happy with the ergonomics and handling of the boat compared to some of my buddies’ boats.  I plan on keeping this boat for a long time!  Very satisfied overall with the boat and design.
— Weston Jones

I will have a HAVOC RIVER RAT one day!  Tim Scott is a heck of a guy and deals with situations way better than most!
— Blake Cyrus

Hands down THE BEST boat on the market from start to finish!  Handles well, VERY TOUGH, and easy on the eyes.  The ONLY boat i will ever own!
— Asher Bagley

Family boat, fishing boat, duck hunting boat, ENOUGH SAID!
— John Paul Wilson

Hit a tree wide open with 4 passengers in the boat and the boat was STILL drivable and got us back to the ramp safely!
— Jeffrey Hodge

I met Tim Scott when I went with a friend to the Havoc plant.  It seemed like we talked for hours as he went on to tell us and show us about new models that were coming out, etc… I told him I had ordered some stuff from an old dealer that never came in.  Needless to say it was the mistake of the dealer but Tim made it right, right then and there.  Outstanding customer service!
— Hunter James Caldwell

I have never spoke with Tim personally, but I bought a HAVOC and was not happy with the performance.  Come to find out it was a set up problem.  I called the plant and spoke with a very nice individual who helped me out 2 or 3 times until I was satisfied.  I absolutely LOVE this hull!
— Charles Smith

Tim Scott is a real friendly guy, and happy to help out all past, present, and future customers.  You can’t hardly find that kind of service anywhere!
— Casey McMorrough

My RDB is the best boat I have ever owned!
— Josh Barnes

I was anti-HAVOC for a long time.  I finally started listening to what other people were saying about them and found out for myself how NICE they really are!  I bought a 550 DBST and I love the SPEED, the RIDE, the HANDLING, and the COMFORT of this boat!  This boat is very well built and takes a beating going through the woods and on the rough waters of the MIGHTY WHITE RIVER.  My next boat will also be a HAVOC, I love the new designs they are coming out with!
— Daniel Humphrey

I was one of the first (if not the first) to put a PRODRIVE on a HAVOC.  I ran it very hard and I messed the transom up (my fault!).  I contacted my dealer and he called Tim and no questions were asked.  Tim brought a BRAND NEW DB the next day and they put my motor on it and told me to drive it like I own it while they fixed mine.  Two weeks later they finished mine and came and swapped the motor back over on a Sunday before Christmas.  All of this took place in the middle of DUCK SEASON and both were super nice through the entire process! You wont find that SERVICE anywhere, especially an aluminum boat company!
— Tyler Gaskin

60 years old, a bunch of boats behind me.  Dealing with HAVOC and their dealers was very pleasant.  BEST boat I have ever been in, couldn’t be more pleased with year-round use!  Not one negative experience from start to finish! 5 STARS
— Mark Normand